Episode #23 – The Real Estate Rockstar Talks Deals! With Pat Hiban

We are pleased to welcome Pat Hiban, legendary Realtor, Founder of Rebus University and host of Real Estate Rockstar Radio!

Pat Hiban Was The Top REMAX agent in 2004 nationwide. And then, the Top Keller Williams agent in 2006 nationwide.  Then, he went on to teach thousands of real estate professionals how to do the same thing.  He owns multiple cash flowing businesses, and is the NY Times Best selling author of “6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional's Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny.”  Oh, and did we mention that he does a podcast EVERY weekday, entitled Real Estate Rockstar Radio?


The topics discussed in this amazing episode:

  • How the internet has changed and continues to change the entire Real Estate market
  • How real estate agents are shifting to accommodate new buying strategies
  • What qualities/qualifications  an investor should look for, if he/she wants to work with an agent to find investment properties?
  • What are realistic expectations for an investor working with an agent?
  • The future of real estate investing.


Important Links:

Real Estate Rockstars Radio Podcast:  https://hibandigital.com/

6 Steps To 7 Figures Book:  https://www.amazon.com/Steps-Figures-Professionals-Building-Creating/dp/0998288209/

Rebus University:  https://www.rebusuniversity.com/

Discount Code for Rebus University: highreturn

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