High Return Real Estate Investing Podcast
It's Time To Build Your Empire!
Latest Real Estate Investing Podcast

How to Survive and Thrive During a Recession
In case that happens... What matters, always, is knowing how to not only weather a downturn, but how to prepare yourself for anything that happens in our economy. Enjoy your life! That's what this episode is all about.
Recent Real Estate Investing Podcast
How to Survive and Thrive During a Recession
In case that happens... What matters, always, is knowing how to not only weather a downturn, but how to prepare yourself for anything that happens in our economy. Enjoy your life! That's what this episode is all about.
How to House Hack Your Way to Financial Independence
Do you want to become financially independent? House hacking is a key way to begin your journey. But you need to know HOW. Our guests this week have hacked their way into building their own empire, through real estate investing AND influencing others on social media....
Why Self Storage is a Favorite Investment
If you're an investor, you might some enjoy some excitement now and then... (Hey, some of us are wired differently). So when I say, "self-storage investment," that might not sound too exciting. But as an investor you will probably be interested in the potential...
Other People's Money: How to Use Debt to Build Your Empire
If the word "debt" makes your stomach turn, that's understandable. That's what we are taught in this society. But do you know how to make debt work FOR you? The difference between bad debt (credit cards) and good debt (other people's money), is everything....
What the Poor, the Middle Class and the Wealthy Do on Payday
What is the poor man's tax? Buying "stuff," also known as liabilities. What you need to buy instead, is assets. The wealthy buy assets, also known as income, on payday, NOT liabilities, or "stuff." Tune in to this episode to shift your mindset, and learn to act like...
Nine Myths About Home Ownership
Is your home your primary investment? If so, it has likely appreciated in recent years. How will you tap that unanticipated equity? Tune in!
Why You Want Multiple Streams of Cash Flow
What is the best way to grow your wealth, now?
It's simple (kind of): You need assets that you can borrow against to buy more assets.
Ready to learn how?
Why Real Estate is Still the I.D.E.A.L. Investment
We all want investments that flow cash, passive cash.
As a smart investor, you know that investing in real estate is a solid move.
But what do you need to know to make real estate investing work for you in the economy, today?
This episode is a Master Class in real estate investing in 2023. Tune in.
How to Free Up $500 to Invest
Do you want your money to work FOR you?
The first step is cutting the “fat” (unnecessary expenses).
Is it pleasant? No.
Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Tune in, listen carefully, then invest wisely!
Connect with us at www.highreturnrealestate.com